A vast range of businesses got their start at Trenval including service, retail, agriculture, manufacturing and hospitality businesses.

Take your business to the next level – expand and diversify propelling your business to success.

Let’s discuss your unique needs and our flexible and affordable loan packages and grant opportunities to help fund your business.

We Help Businesses to Expand and Grow in the Quinte area.
When a business is looking for financing or other resources they come to Trenval.
Trenval Business Development Corporation is a federally supported, not-for-profit Community Futures Development Corporation, administered by a volunteer Board of Directors in partnership with the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario committed to helping to develop and diversify the local economy through community strategic planning, business information, counselling and investment in small business.

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What’s Happening

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Entrepreneurs in Action

Our Success Stories

Celebrate the journey of visionary individuals who dared to dream, took risks, and turned their innovative ideas into reality. Through their determination, perseverance, and unwavering commitment, these entrepreneurs have not only transformed their own lives but have also impacted so many in the Bay of Quinte Region.

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