NOD Apiary Products

There’s a lot of buzz around NOD Apiary Products, and for good reason!

Established in 1997 by beekeepers in Canada, the founders at NOD have developed a practical, sustainable miticide for the beekeeping industry that tackles every beekeeper’s nemesis – the small, yet destructive: varroa mite. The Varroa destructor is an external parasitic mite that attaches to the body of a honey bee and weakens it by feeding off its body fat, and has been an issue that has plagued beekeepers for years. You can learn more about the Varroa Mite here.

Their cutting-edge products, Formic Pro™ and Mite Away Quick Strips (MAQS Beehive Strips), are registered in 28 countries and help to ensure the health of honey bee colonies, which is essential to our ecosystem. These products can be used safely and without impact on the honey making process. Not only are these products revolutionary within the beekeeping community, but NOD is setting the bar high by patenting, building and designing much of their own equipment within their facility.

Challenges & Successes

David VanderDussen, CEO and Director of NOD, shares that they have faced many barriers in their 25 years in business. These barriers have included lengthy testing & trial periods, getting products accepted at regulation level, manufacturing capabilities, increasing product awareness, and intellectual property protection.

The team is currently working hard to open up their new location at 374 Sidney Street in Trenton, and they were excited to share that they were able to successfully move several honeybee colonies from Frankford to Trenton in June 2022.

Trenval Experience

NOD Apiary Products began to work with Trenval after several shining recommendations from the local business community. The team at NOD have found the training courses, funding and employment growth services particularly helpful as they work on scaling their business.

“Trenval was what we needed to jump-start us. They were a critical component to getting our financing secured. I feel that Trenval is a critical part of launching new businesses in the Quinte Area, as they enhance business capabilities and potential successes. Trenval has been an ongoing supporter of our efforts, and we have received several awards thanks to their support over the years.”

NOD Apiary Products was awarded the Ontario Premier’s Award for Agri-Food Innovation Excellence – 2006, Innovation Project of the Year – 2008 and Agri Business Awards.

Community Impact

So far, NOD Apiary Products has created over 30 jobs in the community, and that number is set to grow with their new location.

“We are looking forward to linking with the local community with the launch of our Honey Bee Health and Education Centre in 2023”, David says, which will be paramount in bringing awareness to the importance of honeybees in the world as we know it.

They also have plans to provide education in beekeeping, and will continue to create new products needed for Varroa control.

For more information about NOD Apiary Products, please visit:

Final Thoughts on Working with Trenval

“Trenval has provided business guidance and financial support for our honey bee health business for close to 20 years, from startup to being an established business.  The people were always a positive support and very helpful in addressing and overcoming the bumps along the way.   I would encourage anyone interested in launching or developing a business in this area to take advantage of the resources offered through Trenval.” – David VanderDussen