Trenval and Small Business Centre have teamed up with Loyalist College’s third year Advanced Accounting students to provide Quinte area businesses with accounting, bookkeeping and general business services, all free of charge.
Services offered will be in a private office during the fall and winter semesters. Students will be overseen by faculty supervision and is available to businesses under 50 employees and for non-profits who require assistance in setting up books (SAGE and Quickbooks), monthly transactions, government reporting, such as HST forms, help with cash flow projections, year-end statements as well as tax clinics.
Marketing consultations are also available, with 16 spots remaining. Simple Desk has been contracted to provide up to 2 hours per business to review a marketing strategy, build a marketing plan and advice on social media content and plans.
“Small business is the heart of our local economy and accessing these free services is a benefit to the businesses who are looking for direction on what to do next when it comes to accounting and marketing”, said Amber Darling, Executive Director of Trenval. “Our partnership with Loyalist College and Simple Desk will provide the necessary resources to continue moving businesses forward on the two topics most inquired about.”
Businesses can reach out via email to or to make a request for one or both services.
Space is limited – reach out soon!
We will refer you to the Loyalist 3rd Year Accounting students who will book your time.