Local Initiatives

CEED – Community Empowerment for Economic Development

The purpose of Community Empowerment for Economic Development (CEED) is to assist non-profit corporations with a contribution towards projects that are incremental and strive to enhance the growth and well-being of the community.

This CEED program is part of Trenval’s strategic plan, and supported projects should be inclusive, strategic, sustainable and community-driven whereby the community takes responsibility for planning and implementing measures to improve their economic future, well-being and quality of life.

Application deadline is August 9, 2024.

Download 2024 CEED Program Guidelines

Download 2024 CEED Program Application

Trenval distributed a combined total of $75,000 in non-repayable contributions throughout fiscal 2023-24

Trenval’s Community Empowerment for Economic Development (CEED) funding recognizes programs which help to enhance the growth and well-being of our local community. The CEED program is funded by the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario https://feddev-ontario.canada.ca/en (FedDev Ontario) and administered by Trenval with monies allocated across multiple strategic projects to not-for-profits.

Left to Right: Joanna March, Karen Poste, Chandy Davis

Arts Quinte West – $7,500
Front Row L-R: Suzanne Andrews, Marianne Crozier, Barb Wilson, Amber Darling
Back Row L-R: Patricia Roberts, William Richards, Michelle Doran, Taylor Russett

Left to Right: Barb Wilson, Richard Sleightholm, Julie Lane, Bev Woods, Dave Wilson, Amber Darling, Heather Lang, Chantal Ouellet

Left -Right: Liz Bosma-Donovan, Amber Darling, Bridget Purdy, Holly Read-Fleming, Barb Wilson, Hardik Patel

Front Row L-R: Barb Wilson, Jim McKay, Bev Woods, Amber Darling, James Reid
Back Row L-R: Sean McKillop, Jamie O’Shea, Angus Ryer, Dan Guerreiro, Julie Brogee

Harvest Hastings – $5,000
Left to Right: Sam Robertson, Jennifer Davis, Samantha Harris, Bev Woods, Amber Darling, Mike Beeston, Barb Wilson

Left -Right: Hardik Patel, Mike Beeston, Barb Wilson, Amber Darling, Jenn Bryant, Myra Symonenko, Jopcy Joseph

L-R: Doris Beers, Henny Saijker, Karen Brake, Taylor Russett, Anne Marie Aquino-Coward, Barb Wilson, Amber Darling

L-R: Barb Wilson, Amber Darling, Tara Lynn Peet, Lisa Kelly, Donna Harrison

Front Row L-R: Lorrie Ostroskie, Amber Darling, Doug Miles, Sandie Sidsworth, Cassidy Hill, Laura McDonald
Back Row L-R: Hardik Patel, Barb Wilson, Mattea Shunock, Alex French

Left to Right: Barb Wilson, Chantal Ouellet, Amber Darling, Bev Woods, Heather Lang, Kristin Farrell, Marian Petelycky, Jillian Chadwick, Dave Wilson

L-R: Christine Stevenson, Barb Wilson

Regional Angel Investors Network – $5,000

2022 Local Initiatives

View list of supported Community Economic Development Projects 2015-2021


To discuss if you have an eligible project to be considered for Trenval funding, please contact the Executive Director of Trenval for a CED Project Funding Request Form.

Projects can vary from year to year depending on operational funding resources available and can be in areas such as business initiatives, tourism, entrepreneurship, economic opportunities for specific client groups and/or align with the Government of Canada’s priorities. Activities of supported projects must take place in the Trenval catchment area and only organizations can make the application; no requests made by individuals will be accepted.

Granting financial assistance in any one year by the Board of Directors is not regarded as a commitment by Trenval to continue such assistance in future years. Trenval is not obligated to allocate funds to any organization’s project even though they satisfy the CED project objectives.

Applications are generally reviewed in the first quarter of the year.