The Brake Room

It’s a delightful experience to walk into a business and know that what you see before you, the design, the details, the ambience, all once lived vividly in
a creative entrepreneur’s mind. Adam Tilley envisioned and invented The Brake Room at the corner of Pinnacle & Dundas Streets in Belleville … and its spectacular.

“It’s a bike shop & a café.We serve good vibes, good rides, and really good coffee”.

The exterior of the café is unassuming – a revived auto repair shop boasting big windows and roll up bay doors.

Wheel inside to Adam’s world. Stainless steel cappuccino machines, big mugs, the sound of milk being steamed and the rich aroma of roasted coffee.

“Ah, you carry Pilot coffee!” an excited guest exclaims as she spies the brand uniquely displayed on a stack of wooden skids. The international brand is renowned for direct fair trade, meticulous roasting that delivers exceptional flavour to those ‘who know a good cup of coffee is a beautiful thing’. Adam would serve nothing less than a brand he connected with and believed in.

His menu is complete with coffee and tea through to espresso, macchiato, cortado, latte to hot chocolate, cold coffee, and locally sourced Searaw cold pressed juice. His snack and lunch menus offer healthy sandwiches and ‘Buddha bowls’ that are ‘carefully designed to include the nutrients you need to get the most out of your day’.

“We work with local bakers, makers and food growers”.

Adam believes in community and connection and he has built that into his business. Listening to him so naturally engage with customers as he creates their perfect beverage confirms he’s doing what he loves and the clear, evident joy he brings his customers is palpable. He has served over 10,000 cups of coffee since opening in 2016.

But what about the bike repair part? While stools and a countertop adorn one side of the café, the other side offers tables on concrete floors under
high ceilings with exposed girders and metal fans. When warmer weather hits, the garage doors will roll up to let sunshine cascade in to mix with the
jazzy music floating in the air. Bikes being repaired line the walls next to a huge work bench, service area and wall of tools. With two bike mechanics
on hand, over 500 bikes were repaired, tuned up, safety checked or overhauled last year. Adam cites “bringing clients old bikes back to life” as great moments
for him.

He doles out advice on tire ratings and optimum braking modulation as skillfully as he creates the perfect cappuccino. He has stacks of books on bike tours and hiking trips on shelves and is happy to share his love and experience with cycling. Online at

“We are glad we could help Adam turn his vision into reality. The Brake Room is a creative, trailblazing addition to Belleville’s business community” says Amber Darling,Trenval’s Business & Investment Advisor