Trenval 2018 AGM
Featuring Local Entrepreneur, David VanderDussen
June 22, 2018 Trenval Business Development Corporation held its Annual General Meeting at the Trent Port Marina in Trenton, ON, reporting on its 31st year proudly supporting local business featuring guest speaker, local entrepreneur, David VanderDussen, CEO and founder of International recognized NOD Apiary Products Ltd., a Canadian company formed in 1997. Presentations followed by local dignitaries including Todd Smith, MPP and Mayor Christopher Taso, City of Belleville.
NOD Apiary Products was awarded the Ontario Premier’s Award for Agri-Food Innovation Excellence, 2006, Innovation Project of the Year, 2008 and Agri-Business of the Year, 2011.
“Our passion is honey bee health and young livestock wellness, and as such, we are dedicated to environmental stewardship.” David VanderDussen, CEO
Amber Darling, Executive Director for Trenval, shares her enthusiasm for client success:
“We are proud and honoured to support local businesses such as NOD Apiary, a company that promotes economic sustainability while passionately seeking to uphold the sustainability of our global environment!”
During the past year, Trenval supported 32 businesses that were unable to obtain financing from conventional sources with $1.8 million. These businesses contributed to the local economy with 193 jobs created/maintained. Since inception, the volunteer board of directors has governed the organization and impacted more than 4,100 jobs and invested more than $4.3 M through its investment fund.
Trenval recognized retiring Director, Michael Mann, and incoming Directors, Joanna March and David Wilson.
“Looking to start, expand or transition a business?” Trenval’s committed, proactive service has been supporting individuals and business within the Quinte region with loans and advisory services since 1987, created by the Federal Government its mandate then, mirrored today, continues to encourage entrepreneurs, facilitating small business encompassing all industry sectors to sustain employment in our region. Its business counselling and well-known flexible client focused financing services has contributed to the success of countless local businesses. “We Grow Jobs!”
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