
How to Stand Out from the Crowd
When you are a small business, there are some areas in which you simply cannot compete. Check out these methods for making your company stand out, and incorporate them into your marketing strategy today!
Generating More Referrals and Testimonials
When you started your business you probably used word-of-mouth as your primary promotional strategy. Hey, you were new, people were interested, you could stimulate excitement about what you were doing – it was all good. After a while though, that slows down; the excitement abates as you build a stable base of customers. Whether that’s […]
Even in a One-Person Business, You’re Never Alone
The next time you’re watching a TV movie, instead of hitting the off button as it fades to black, take a few minutes as the credits roll by to reflect on how many people it takes to make such a production. There may be only two or three well known actors, but behind them stands a hundred or more professionals in everything from lighting and sound through to costumes, transport and catering.
Entrepreneurial Food for Thought
Every now and then, we as entrepreneurs come up for air; you know, those times after a major project ends, or a crisis is averted, when we can take stock of where we are before the next wave of challenges washes over us like a storm surge.
Dealing with Professional Burn Out
For thousands of professionals in today’s workforce like John and Diane, things will not get better without attention and action to address their burnout.
Curiosity – The Essential Business Asset
What makes a great entrepreneur? While such virtues as hard work, commitment and solid financial resources are essential, the number one attribute of a great start-up, one that has the ability to survive and prosper, is having a leader with a natural and all encompassing sense of curiosity. Curiosity leads to observations such as: I […]
Networking – Getting it Right
Some people looking at this article will be thinking, “Not another article on networking!” Others will be saying, “Bring it on – the more networking tips I can get, the better.” Those in the first group will not have done much networking this past year, and even though they recognize its potential value, they never […]
Big Data – What Small Business Needs to Know
If you haven’t already heard the phrase Big Data before, you soon will. Even if you have, you are probably thinking it’s only relevant to big businesses, not your small operation. But, you’d be wrong, Big Data is not just about big business, it’s important to small businesses – even start-ups can harness its power. […]